Thread Boeing 787


Utente Registrato
1 Ottobre 2016
Posso fare una disquisizione estetica ma non solo? Il 787 ha un'ala esteticamente, oltre che funzionalmente, spettacolare ma la carlinga mi pare essere copiata pari pari da quella di un Embraer, compreso il cono d coda non verniciato. Ma non esistono brevetti e copyright pure in questo campo?

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
02.10.2018 - 12:03 UTC source ch-aviation

United Airlines (UA, Chicago O'Hare) will base its first B787-10 aircraft out of Newark in the first quarter of 2019, initially deploying the largest B787 type on transcontinental routes to Los Angeles Int'l and San Francisco, CA, ch-aviation schedule analysis has revealed.

United will initially deploy its first B787-10 on a 6x weekly service to Los Angeles as of January 7, 2019. Subsequently, the type will start operating 13x weekly to San Francisco as of February 14.

According to the ch-aviation fleets module, United already operates twelve B787-8s and twenty-five B787-9s. It has a further thirteen -9s (including nine just ordered this week) and fourteen -10s on order with Boeing. Neither the -8s nor the -9s are currently based out of Newark.

Flightglobal reported United President Scott Kirby as saying that the -10 was a "phenomenal European aircraft". Following the initial proving transcontinental routes, the type will most likely be deployed on transatlantic services. United management told the staff in an internal memo earlier this year that the -10s would be deployed on six transatlantic routes during the Summer 2019 season already.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
PICTURE: RAM shows off colours for first Max and 787-9

Moroccan flag-carrier Royal Air Maroc has shown off a special livery which will adorn its initial Boeing 737 Max and 787-9.
The airline is already a 787-8 and 737-800 operator, but has four 787-9s on order with Boeing.
RAM has previously signalled that it is likely to take the 737 Max, although Boeing does not list any order for the re-engined type from the carrier.
Its revised livery heavily features the green and red colours of the Moroccan flag on the aft fuselage.
RAM says the colour scheme “combines aerodynamics and modernity” and “reflects contemporary Moroccan culture”.



Utente Registrato
29 Aprile 2017
Considerando che è anche una special livery non mi sembra niente di speciale, anzi direi piuttosto bruttina. Specialmente la coda non mi piace per niente.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
24 Ottobre 2006
Qualche foto degli interni del nuovo 787-9 per la compagnia cinese Juneyao.
A giugno apriranno anche il loro primo volo per l'Europa da Shanghai a Helsinki.

PICTURES: Juneyao plans international boost with 787s

Juneyao Airlines will deploy its Boeing 787-9s internationally from February 2019 on a daily service to Singapore.
The carrier tells FlightGlobal that it expects to take delivery of two more 787s in December, which will bring its fleet to three of the type. Its first 787 was delivered in mid-October, ending its status as an all-Airbus operator.
The 324 seat 787s, the Star Alliance connecting partner’s first widebody, are targetted at helping the airline expand its network and go to long-haul. Following the deployment to Singapore next February, the type will be used to launch Juneyao’s first intercontinental route from Shanghai to Helsinki in June.

All pictures from Juneyao Airlines
Juneyao's sole 787 currently operates between Shanghai and Shenzhen. From mid-December, the type will be also be put on services from Shanghai to Chengdu, Sanya and Chongqing.
Business class seat on Juneyao's 787

Economy cabin on Juneyao's 787

Flight Fleets Analyzer shows that the Shanghai-based carrier has orders for another four -9s, with deliveries scheduled through the end of 2019. It also has options for another five of the type.
Besides the 787, Juneyao operates a fleet of 70 Airbus A320 family jets, largely on services within China, and to North Asia and Southeast Asia. FG



Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
Segnalo questo articolo molto interessante (e inquietante) pubblicato dal NYT qualche giorno fa:
Leggendolo mi sono detto "Ma e' roba risaputa, e non solo a Savannah". Esempi sparsi, AD 2012-2013:

Il primo 788 BA doveva essere, com'e' ovvio, G-ZBJA. Il gran giorno, pero', vide G-ZBJB arrivare a LHR. Il motivo? In fase di accettazione BA riscontro' 400 difetti su -JA, e ne rifiuto' la consegna. JB di difetti ne aveva meno, per cui arrivo' lui.
I 77W ricevevano la Business a Cardiff; ossia, Boeing te li faceva con F, Traveller Plus e Traveller, piu' un buco al posto di Club. L'aereo volava SEA-CWL, e a CWL veniva aggiunta Club. Non chiedetemi perche'. Durante i controlli pre-introduzione in servizio i tecnici di BAMC scoprirono che i comandi per il cargo fire suppression system erano stati invertiti. In soldoni, tu pensi di avere un incendio FWD, e apri il sistema di soppressione; peccato che a partire siano gli "estintori" ad halon AFT. Mi dicevano che cose del genere capitavano spesso anche per i sistemi dei motori. Lasciamo poi perdere gli strumenti abbandonati, gli aneddoti di martelli e altro trovati durante i primi C-check abbondano.

East End Ave

Utente Registrato
13 Agosto 2013
su e giu' sull'atlantico...
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued this airworthiness directive (AD):

We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 787 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of hydraulic leakage caused by damage to aileron and elevator actuators from lightning strikes. This AD requires an inspection or records check to inspect for certain parts, detailed inspections of aileron and elevator power control units (PCUs), and applicable on-condition actions. We are issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.


Utente Registrato
26 Aprile 2012
Metto qui anche se non riguarda il 787 ma il 797:
Some airlines want Boeing’s new ’797′ to fly with just one pilot on board

Boeing’s next commercial jet design could come with a cockpit built for just one pilot, according to industry analysts.

Rumors have swirled for months that the U.S. plane manufacturer will announce a New Midsize Airplane (NMA), dubbed by industry insiders as the 797, at the Paris Air Show next month.

Plans for a big reveal may have been put on hold by Boeing’s ongoing problem with its 737 Max planes, two of which have been involved in recent fatal crashes.

Over the last few weeks, analysts at Jefferies have quizzed plane-buying executives at airlines and leasing companies on what they would want from any new Boeing offering

he researchers said that given the NMA could start from a completely fresh design, airline executives see scope for just one pilot to be physically sat in the plane.

A second pilot would be ground based and be able to “monitor several aircraft” at the same time.

Reducing the number of pilots from an airline’s payroll could save a company millions of dollars in salaries and training costs.

The Jefferies note, released Sunday, claimed the technology to do this is still 10 years away but Boeing customers would find the capability “valuable.”

Boeing Research and Technology Vice-President Charles Toups said in February that one-pilot jets would likely begin with cargo flights and it would be a “couple of decades” before passengers would be convinced of their safety.

But in a statement provided to CNBC late Monday, Boeing said the NMA was not a plane that would herald a technological revolution.

“We remain focused on executing on our commitments, including evaluating the business case for the NMA. With that said, should we launch, the NMA flight deck is being designed for two pilots and we’ve been consistent that we don’t see NMA as a technology push airplane,” it read.

Outside of the cockpit, airline execs want a new Boeing plane to have more flexibility in how seats could be arranged and reshuffled, with some premium carriers calling for more flexibility to install lie-flat beds.

The NMA is predicted to hold between 200 and 250 passengers but fly with the range of a larger plane. A plus-size variant could accommodate as many as 290 passengers and executives told Jefferies that a widebody aircraft (one with two aisles) is a likely preference.

Typically, the NMA is seen serving transatlantic routes, connecting smaller cities in the Unites States with “secondary” European cities such as Brussels or Copenhagen.
