Norwegian faces collapse

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Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
10 Dicembre 2007
Mio post del 12/11.

Con molta calma, hanno pubblicato i dettagli del Q3.
La cosa che più balza all'occhio, è che il totale delle liabilities è schizzato in un anno da 38.4 a 51 MLDNOK, 2/3 dei quali sono prestiti (la maggior parte a lungo termine).
Per la cronaca i 51 MLDNOK corrispondono a circa 5.32 MLD€. Praticamente una bomba ad orologeria.
Immagino la gioia di chi, pur di non farla esplodere rimettendoci un capitale, è costretto ad alzare la posta prestando altri soldi.
Vedremo fino a che punto il gioco andrà avanti.


Utente Registrato
2 Ottobre 2016
Non capisco molto di dati finanziari, ma dal punto di vista training ed assunzioni Norwegian ha bloccato tutte le assunzioni del 2019 in Cockpit con persone che avevano giá firmato un contratto di lavoro. Inoltre pare che non rinnoveranno contratti di piloti assunti tramite agenzie esterne. Su Norwegian ci sono tante speculazioni riguardo una possibile vendita a IAG, al momento onestamente ho difficoltá a farmi un´idea concreta di quanto queste notizie e decisioni siano parte di una programmata vendita imminente e quanto invece l´ossigeno stia finendo velocemente.


Utente Registrato
2 Ottobre 2016
Statement di Norwegian:

Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA (“the Company”) would like to give the financial market a year-end update. To meet the competitive environment in a period with seasonally lower demand in Europe, the Company has made several changes to its route portfolio as well as adjusted its capacity. Combined, these measures should improve the financial performance from the start of 2019.

In addition, the Company has launched an extensive cost savings program, #Focus2019, which will contribute to estimated savings of minimum NOK 2 billion in 2019. Six weeks into the program, we have already identified significant savings. The Company will update the market with results from #Focus2019 in connection with the announcement of the results for the first quarter of 2019.

As previously communicated, Norwegian’s long-haul operation has been disrupted by challenges with the Rolls-Royce engines on the Dreamliners. The Company has now reached an agreement with Rolls-Royce which will have a positive effect from the first quarter of 2019. The commercial terms of the agreement remain confidential.

The Company is pleased to announce that the financing for all aircraft deliveries for the first half of 2019 is secured. This also includes refinancing of one of the delivered Dreamliners, resulting in a positive liquidity effect of NOK 275 million in December 2018.

The process of divesting aircraft continues, and we experience significant interest in our existing fleet as well as future deliveries. The Company recently signed a letter of intent for the sale of two aircraft with delivery in the first quarter of 2019. The discussions about forming a joint venture for aircraft ownership also continues with full force.


6 Novembre 2005
a Taiwan, nel cuore e nella mente
The process of divesting aircraft continues, and we experience significant interest in our existing fleet as well as future deliveries. The Company recently signed a letter of intent for the sale of two aircraft with delivery in the first quarter of 2019. The discussions about forming a joint venture for aircraft ownership also continues with full force.
Sale and lease back o stanno proprio vendendo aerei ad altri operatori?



13 Agosto 2007
Pare che sia appena stato comunicato a sindacati di piloti e assistenti di volo che la base 737 di FCO chiuderà l'1 aprile p.v.


Amministratore AC
Staff Forum
20 Giugno 2008
Messaggio ai colleghi di Norwegian (delegati sindacali Irlanda).

Dear Colleagues

A historic meeting was held today in Oslo between the Chairs of all the Unions, both Flight crew and Cabin crew, and senior management from Head Office in Fornebu. This meeting was scheduled in order to discuss the Focus2019 initiative and how we can all contribute to the effort to streamline and improve efficiency within the Norwegian Group.

An initial presentation was provided by our CFO, Geir Karlson, who provided an update on the current financial situation of the Company. Due to the commercial sensitivity of the information I am unable to provide specific details other than to say that the situation could be better. Many options are being actively pursued in order to increase the liquidity of the Company.

This was followed by a presentation by the Commercial department who went into the finer details of their role within the Company and provided an outline of the changes to the production across the network for the summer schedule. As most of you will have heard by now this included the information that there will be a reduction in the short-haul capacity (including MAX production) of 11 aircraft for the year. This has implications for bases in Spain, Italy and the U.S.A. Base bidding should open next week whereby all crew may bid for opportunities in both short-haul and long-haul bases in the hope that redundancies can be avoided.

Furthermore, it is with much regret that I must also inform you at this time that the plan also includes a reduction in the MAX production out of Dublin from the 6 aircraft which will operate the summer schedule (commencing on 31stMarch) down to 1 (or maybe 2) aircraft as of 15th September 2019. This reduction will apply not only to the number of aircraft based in Dublin but also to both the Flight crew & Cabin crew complement.

Consequently, in June the base bidding will open and Dublin based crew will be invited to bid for a position on either the long-haul fleet or an alternative short-haul base (IF any vacancies exist at this time).

In respect of Focus2019 all departments and areas of operation in the Company are under review. Many changes are expected including the consolidation of the AOC structure. The areas highlighted for us as flight crew included:

Crew meals (removal)
Breakfast in hotels (removal)
City centre Hotels (removal)
No shows at hotels
Sick leave (some bases are running at 30%!)
Permanent fees (e.g. TRI/TRE allowances)
Allowances in general
Smaller bases on variable rosters

In addition, there was a proposal that all basic salaries be reduced as follows:

Either - Flight crew by 7% and Cabin crew by 4% ; Or – Flight crew & Cabin crew by 5.8%

I fully appreciate that this news will come as a shock to many of you, as it did to me. However, it is important not to go into panic mode at this time and instead to await further developments. It is intended that the Company Council will commence further talks with the Company about these serious issues as they apply to the Dublin base over the next few days. We shall keep you fully informed of the progress of these discussions.

In the meantime, I would ask you to treat this information as confidential and refrain from promulgating outside of the Company.

If you have any questions regarding the above then please send them to me by replying to this Email and I will collate and release an FAQ sheet with clarifications.

Best regards

IALPA Norwegian Company Council


Utente Registrato
7 Febbraio 2017
Dal sole 24 ore di oggi

Norwegian Air chiude la base operativa di Roma
Continua la riduzione della presenza delle compagnie low cost presso l’aeroporto di Roma. Dopo la francese Joon del gruppo Air France, a tagliare i voli questa volta è la Norwegian Airways in procinto di avviare un processo di revisione di costi. Il vettore ha annunciato l’intenzione di chiudere la base operativa di Roma Fiumicino insieme a quelle di Palma di Maiorca, Gran Canaria e Tenerife in Spagna, Steward e Providence negli Stati Uniti. Da Roma verranno così cancellati tutti gli attuali 4 voli a corto e medio raggio (Göteborg, Reykjavik, Tenerife Sud e Tel Aviv) su 13 rotte a partire dalla prossima stagione estiva. Per altri collegamenti saranno ridotte le frequenze come per il volo da Roma a Helsinki, che passerà da 6 a 4 frequenze settimanali. Restano operative le rotte a lungo raggio della low cost da Roma verso Stati Uniti (New York-Newark, San Francisco-Oakland, Los Angeles e Boston). I dipendenti basati attualmente a Roma saranno ricollocati in altre basi, secondo quanto riferito da un portavoce della compagnia. Tutto questo nonostante nel 2018 il vettore abbia registrato un aumento del 35% dei passeggeri trasportati in Italia a 895mila. Non abbastanza per evitare la cura dimagrante. (Ma.Mo.)


Utente Registrato
5 Dicembre 2014
Cioè ok la notizia è negativa per FCO, ma non è esatto dire che chiude la base (resta il lungo) e ancora meno dire che joon abbandona Roma...
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