Il B737 Max riprende i test

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Utente Registrato
22 Giugno 2009
Cittadino del mondo
Boeing, primo volo di prova per 737 MAX
Adnkronos10 ore fa

Boeing, primo volo di prova per 737 MAX

Boeing, primo volo di prova per 737 MAX
Boeing ha iniziato lunedì un volo di prova per determinare se il 737 MAX può tornare a volare in sicurezza dopo che l'anno scorso gli incidenti mortali hanno fatto mettere a terra il jet in tutto il mondo. L'aereo è decollato da un campo d'aviazione vicino a Seattle e ha volato attraverso lo stato orientale di Washington prima di scendere in Oregon e alla fine tornare nella zona di Seattle.
Gli appassionati di volo in tutto il mondo hanno seguito in tempo reale mentre l'aereo sorvolava il centro di Washington ed effettuava manovre. L'Autorità Federale dell'Aviazione (Faa) ha approvato i voli di prova di certificazione dopo che Boeing ha presentato le correzioni di sicurezza per la revisione. Il volo è una pietra miliare verso la fine di un fermo imposto in tutto il mondo da marzo dello scorso anno, dopo che in due incidenti del modello più venduto di Boeing sono morte 346 persone.
La U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ha confermato che stanno conducendo una serie di voli di certificazione questa settimana per valutare i cambiamenti proposti da Boeing al sistema di controllo di volo automatizzato sul 737 MAX.
I voli di certificazione, che si prevede richiedano circa tre giorni, comprenderanno una vasta gamma di manovre di volo e procedure di emergenza per valutare se i cambiamenti soddisfano i requisiti di certificazione FAA. I test sono condotti da piloti collaudatori e ingegneri della FAA e della Boeing.
''Anche se i voli di certificazione sono una pietra miliare importante, rimangono una serie di compiti chiave'', ha sottolineato la FAA, che segue un procedimento di prove e si prenderà il tempo necessario per rivedere a fondo il lavoro della Boeing. ''Toglieremo l'ordine di fermo solo dopo aver accertato che l'aeromobile soddisfa gli standard di certificazione", ha dichiarato la Federal Aviation Administration.


Utente Registrato
19 Agosto 2014
The FAA and Boeing today completed the certification flight tests on the Boeing 737 MAX. During three days of testing this week, FAA pilots and engineers evaluated Boeing’s proposed changes in connection with the automated flight control system on the aircraft. While completion of the flights is an important milestone, a number of key tasks remain, including evaluating the data gathered during these flights. The agency is following a deliberate process and will take the time it needs to thoroughly review Boeing’s work. We will lift the grounding order only after FAA safety experts are satisfied that the aircraft meets certification standards.

The remaining tasks include:
  • JOEB Validation & FSB Review – The FAA’s Flight Standardization Board (FSB) and the Joint Operations Evaluation Board (JOEB) which includes international partners from Canada, Europe, and Brazil will evaluate minimum pilot training requirements. The FSB will issue a draft report for public comment addressing the findings of the FSB and JOEB.
  • Final FSB Report – The FAA will publish a final FSB report after reviewing and addressing public comments.
  • Final Design Documentation and TAB Report – The FAA will review Boeing’s final design documentation in order to evaluate compliance with all FAA regulations. The multi-agency Technical Advisory Board (TAB) will also review the final Boeing submission and issue a final report prior to a final determination of compliance by the FAA.
  • CANIC & AD – The FAA will issue a Continued Airworthiness Notification to the International Community (CANIC) providing notice of pending significant safety actions and will publish an Airworthiness Directive (AD) that addresses the known issues for grounding. The AD will advise operators of required corrective actions before aircraft may re-enter commercial service.
  • FAA Rescinds Grounding Order – This marks the official ungrounding of the aircraft, pending completion by operators of the work specified in the AD, along with any required training.
  • Certificates of Airworthiness – The FAA will retain its authority to issue airworthiness certificates and export certificates for all new 737 MAX airplanes manufactured since the grounding. The FAA will perform in-person, individual reviews of these aircraft.
  • Operator Training Programs – The FAA will review and approve training programs for all part 121 operators.


Socio AIAC
Utente Registrato
25 Marzo 2008
Varese - Chatham NJ
Da FlightRadar24

Boeing and the FAA complete certification flight tests
Boeing and the FAA conducted the long-awaited certification test flights for the 737 MAX this week, a major milestone in the aircraft’s long road back to commercial service. While these flights mark an important chapter in returning the MAX to the skies, there are still many steps to be completed before the plane can carry passengers.


Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
EASA joins Boeing 737 MAX flight-testing

The European Union Safety Agency (EASA) will start its flight tests of the Boeing 737 MAX in early-September 2020 in order for the aircraft “to return to service as soon as possible.”

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Utente Registrato
3 Agosto 2017
Boeing continua a perdere clienti e ordini per il MAX
Dopo le cancellazioni di Norwegian (92), Avolon (27), American Airlines (AP: American Airlines threatens to cancel some Boeing 737 MAX orders), Air Canada (10), ora China Development Bank Financial Leasing (4), Smartwings (1), Oman Air (1), GOL (34), Qatar Airways (30), e un centinaio da clienti sconosciuti.
Controcorrente Somon Air che, dopo aver cancellato il suo ordine nel 2019, adesso sembrerebbe ritornare sui suoi passi con un ordine di 10 MAX8 e Enter Air (ordinati 2 MAX8).


Utente Registrato
6 Ottobre 2015
Una trentina degli orfani potrebbe prenderseli Southwest

si e no.... come si legge
"According to Bloomberg, Southwest Airlines is reportedly interested in taking as many as 30 unclaimed 737 MAX aircraft. However, it seems that the airline wouldn’t be seeking to view such aircraft as additional orders. Instead, it looks as though the airline would look to take delivery of ready to go MAX aircraft now, as opposed to currently unbuilt aircraft further down the line "

sempre meglio che lasciarli posteggiati ma questo anticipo di consegna penso possa essere realizzato solo se abbinato a qualche "sconto"


Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
Quindi da oggi si potrebbe cominciare a contare i giorni che mancano per rivedere il Ma... ehm... il B737-Boh di nuovo per aria.

Before returning it to the skies, airlines must complete software updates and fresh pilot training, a process that will take at least 30 days.
Industry sources familiar with the branding say the “MAX” name will likely be phased out over time in favor of the formal names assigned to each variant, like “737-7” or “737-8.”



Utente Registrato
31 Dicembre 2015
È ufficiale: la FAA ha approvato il ritorno in servizio del 737 (Max?!?).
Vi allego le 99 pagine che specificano il RTS (return to service)



Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
Today, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rescinded the order that halted commercial operations of Boeing 737-8s and 737-9s. The move will allow airlines that are under the FAA’s jurisdiction, including those in the U.S., to take the steps necessary to resume service and Boeing to begin making deliveries. Following two deadly crashes in which 346 people lost their lives, the MAX was grounded worldwide in March 2019.

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Utente Registrato
3 Agosto 2017
E la risposta Boeing...

e per me questo passaggio resta fondamentale
We will never forget the lives lost in the two tragic accidents that led to the decision to suspend operations,” said David Calhoun, chief executive officer of The Boeing Company. “These events and the lessons we have learned as a result have reshaped our company and further focused our attention on our core values of safety, quality and integrity.”


Utente Registrato
3 Agosto 2017
Una cosa è certa per la Boeing e il MAX: non possono più sbagliare nemmeno una virgola, pena l'annichilimento immediato del progetto!
( E non parlo di incidenti gravi, anche solo un piccolissima, minore avaria).
Ultima modifica:


Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
EASA clarifies Boeing 737 MAX un-grounding timeline

European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) clarified its timeline when the European authority would un-ground the Boeing 737 MAX, following the Federal Aviation Administration‘s (FAA) un-grounding of the jet.
EASA indicated that it would first publish a Proposed Airworthiness Directive (AD), which is dedicated for the public to comment on the issue. The proposed AD is set to go out sometime in November 2020, an EASA spokesperson confirmed to AeroTime News.
However, public consultation will last 28 days. During the period, everyone can comment on the proposed AD. Subsequently, the authority will have to look and respond to the comments, and only then publish the final directive, essentially un-grounding the Boeing 737 MAX.



Utente Registrato
8 Ottobre 2007
What airlines need to do before they can fly Boeing 737 MAX?

While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has formally un-grounded the Boeing 737 MAX, a lot has to be done before the jet takes to the skies commercially.

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